The status of the WhatsApp It is a very interesting feature where you can post photos and videos that are visible to all your contacts for 24 hours. However, sometimes you find an interesting image and taking a screenshot is not always the best option, for this we will show you how you can save photos or videos from WhatsApp status in a very simple way.
To perform this task, the first thing you will need to have on your cell phone is a file manager, which you can download from the link below:

Após ter baixado você seguirá os seguintes passos abaixo:
- Go to your WhatsApp and view the Status you want to download.
- After that, enter the file manager, previously downloaded (Es File Explorer).
- If you don't see the folders on your phone right away, just pull to the left and they will appear.
- Then look for the “WhatsApp” folder, enter it, and then enter the “Media” folder.
- When you open it you won't see anything different, you will need to enable the “Show hidden files” function.
- To perform this task, simply click on the 3 bars in the upper left corner and look for the option and then activate it.
- Enabling this option will automatically create a folder called “.Statuses”.
- Just open the folder and there will be all the Status that was viewed recently.
If you didn't quite understand the step-by-step process, watch the video below: