
30 Paid Apps and Games for Free on the Play Store

Free apps and games on the play store

The Play Store usually has some promotions every week in its store, where it offers several applications, games and others that are paid for free, in this publication you will find all these apps. The entire list found here will be constantly updated to keep you all up to date with the promotions. Free games Buff Knight Advanced – Retro […]

Get to know DigBest - Imported goods store with affordable prices

digbest imported goods store

Imported goods stores such as Aliexpress, Gearbest and others have become increasingly common among Brazilians, who prefer to buy from these sites where they buy cheaper, even if they suffer the famous government taxation, which tends to be a bit high depending on the product. Many people may not know this, but there is a store […]

GearBest birthday promotions

3 years anniversary

Do you know Gearbest? If you're not wasting time, it's an international store, but many Brazilians use it, it even sells in installments, it's an extremely reliable store with low prices, and to make it even better, it has several promotions in the month of its birthday, check out the promotions below: 1- Promotion 3.33$ https://goo.gl/QN4Xeb 2 – […]

GearBest 3rd Anniversary – Amazing Deals

3 years anniversary

    – What are the best-selling GearBest products in Brazil? – On January 16th, GearBest launched the Installment Payment Method, see how it works: Installment GearBest installment page: https://goo.gl/tIOt0l GearBest turns 3! https://goo.gl/dyXA7s Pre-Promotion ( https://goo.gl/dyXA7s ): Starts at 11:00 pm on the 8th in Brazil. Anniversary Promotion ( https://goo.gl/dyXA7s […]

GearBest Carnival Promotion

Carnival 2017

Gearbest, a renowned and well-known store in Brazil for buying imported goods, is offering some promotions for Carnival! Wait, an international store with a Carnival promotion? That's right, only at Gearbest will you find these promotions and support for Brazilians. It is one of the only international stores that accepts […]

Mega Promotions on GearBest

Mega Promotions on GearBest 11

To start the year off right, GearBest has some promotions to cheer us all up. If you don’t know GearBest, you’re missing out, because it’s one of the largest stores for buying imported technology products and is very well-known in Brazil and extremely trustworthy. Academy Awards 2017 Check out the page […]

Exclusive discounts on various products at GearBest

Exclusive discounts on various products at GearBest 17

GearBest installments in up to 12x Everyone knows that GearBest is a great store, but it was not possible to buy with a credit card in installments, now the big news is this, the installment. You can pay for your purchases in up to 12x, gearbest will accept the following cards: Visa, Mastercard, Hipercard, Diners Club, American Express, […]

Exclusive promotions for installment purchases on GearBest #2


GearBest is an online store where you can buy imported products at a great price range. You can buy cell phones much cheaper than here in Brazil. GearBest installments in up to 12x Everyone knows that GearBest is a great store, but it was not possible to buy with a credit card in a […]