Instagram has its stories, better known as Insta Stories. We often want to save a photo or video, even a live video, and we can't, or when we can, it has the username in front. What many people don't know is that there is an application responsible for saving stories, such as live videos, photos and videos directly to your gallery.
How to save Instagram stories?
Para salvar as histórias é muito simples, basta baixar o aplicativo no final dessa postagem, e em seguida conectar sua conta do instagram nele, e basta selecionar a pessoa no qual você quer salvar as histórias e apertar o botão de download, veja no vídeo abaixo uma demonstração:
StorySave lets you relive those moments all over again by allowing you to save your friends' Instagram stories as well as download their live broadcasts.
Once you're logged into your Instagram account, you'll see a list of people you follow on Instagram who have posted stories.
Tap a story from the list to view it, and swipe left and right to browse through other stories they've posted.
If you want to save your story, tap on the download icon and it will be saved to your gallery.
Make sure you have your friends permission before saving their stories or live streams.
The name “Instagram” is copyright to Instagram, Inc. StorySave is in no way affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram, Inc.