How to free up space on your phone - Android

How to free up a lot of space on Android

Many people have a smartphone with the Android system. Some phones have a lot of memory, while others have very little, which causes the memory to fill up very quickly, making the smartphone slow and full.

Many people think that it's the apps that are too big, photos and videos that are on the cell phone, but what many people don't know is that it may not be anything like that, it could be the simple fact that the cache memory is sucking up your memory.

How to free up a lot of space on Android

What is cache?

Cache é o que todo aplicativo gera no seu celular, para deixar imagens ou arquivos pré carregados, fazendo assim ao acessar o aplicativo novamente haja um carregamento mais rápido, o que muitos não sabem é que essa memória as vezes ocupa muito espaço e que ela pode ser apagada sem nenhum problema, e sem perder nenhum dado, e ainda deixará o celular mais rápido.

How to free up a lot of space on your Android phone?

Well, it's very simple, you will need to clear this cache memory, how do you do this?
  1. Go to your phone settings
  2. Then look for storage or memory and select
  3. Several pieces of information will appear, look for cached memory, or cached data
  4. Click on it and confirm
This option is only available on Android 4.4 and above.

Video on how to free up space on your cell phone

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