Many times we have wallpapers that we want to put on our cell phones, but by default we end up having to cut or discard a part of the image, that's why there is an application that will help you to allow you to put the complete wallpaper without any cuts in a very simple way.
How to put up a full wallpaper without cutting
To do the process, simply download the application that is available at the end of this post, Image 2 Wallpaper, it is very simple to use, just select the image and make adjustments as you see fit.
Image 2 Wallpaper
This app sets an image as wallpaper with/without resizing.
Selecione uma imagem da galeria, redimensioná-la e defini-la como papel de parede.
* Image 2 Wallpaper features a new user interface in v2.0. You can switch back to the classic user interface with the “Back to Classic UI” button.
You can also activate this application through “Intent”. Select an image from the gallery or another application, and “share” it with this application.
– Both phone and tablet are supported.
– Resize selected image as you want or to fit the home screen. Also, you can keep the image size (Dot by Dot, DbD).
– Align arbitrary image, or snap it to the edge of the home screen or wallpaper.
– Tile images or keep margins (edges).
– Set the color of the margins.
– Rotate, flip, crop the image.
– Save the image to storage.
– Apply image effects: grayscale, sepia, automatic color level adjustment, brightness adjustment, contrast, saturation, gamma collection, and blur.