Learn how to change your Wi-Fi password using your cell phone

Learn how to change your WiFi password using your cell phone

Many times, operators or technicians configure the router by setting a default password or something similar, and sometimes the desire to change the password arises, and many people nowadays do not have a PC to do this process, so this post will teach you how you can do this on your cell phone.

To carry out the process, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Download the app IP Tools. (Available at the end of the post)
  2. Enter the app, you will see a button at the top with 3 dots on it “…”.
  3. Click on it, then in the options that appear click on “Configure router”.
  4. It will automatically open your router's login page.
  5. You will need to enter the password, which by default is usually “admin”. If this doesn’t work, try not entering anything and clicking on login.
  6. Após isso basta ir nas configurações e procurar onde você muda a senha, cada roteador é diferente.
  7. Watch the video below to find out more:


IP Tools

How to change your wifi password using your cell phone

IP Tools is a powerful network utility package for analyzing and tuning networks. It allows quick detection of any computer network problems and boost network performance. This is a must-have application for IT specialists and network administrators.

The application combines the most popular network utilities normally found on Windows or Linux. They will help you easily fix a network problem or optimize the network when you are hundreds of kilometers away (i.e. not at work 🙂 ).

IP Tools has a simple and intuitive interface, so you can receive all the information about your network in a few seconds, discover the internal or external IP, SSID, BSSID, broadcast address, gateway, network mask, country, region, city, geographic coordinates of the provider (latitude and longitude) and other basic information.

The IP Tools application provides access to the most popular network utilities that administrators and users often use on their computers.Available on Google Play

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