WhatsApp has a function that removes the last seen, making it impossible to know when the person last entered the application. For this, there is an application responsible for monitoring a certain contact and always showing when the person goes online and how long they remained online.
O aplicativo é bem simples de ser usado, basta você digitar o número de quem você quer monitorar e ele já começa automaticamente, notificando sempre quando o contato ficar online, tornando-se um aplicativo extremamente útil.
In the video below you can see how the application works:
You can view WhatsApp contacts with WhatsAgent and get notifications instantly when they are online.
– You can see how many times you have been logged in and the durations you have been online
– You can see the last seen, shutdown and get instant notifications when online
– You can find out how many minutes you spent online during the 24 hours of the day
– Export all your data to Excel to analyze it yourself