How to study for Enem on your cell phone – Best Apps

How to study for the ENEM

Every year we have the Enem (National High School Exam), and everyone who is in high school knows the importance of this test and this exam for their life, with the Enem score it is possible to enter public universities and even get discounts in private ones, but the test is a little difficult and it requires a lot of study to have a good performance, and with that in mind this post will talk about how you can study for the Enem on your cell phone, through the best apps.

How to study for Enem using your cell phone?

Well, most people use classic methods to study for the Enem, such as through prep courses, researching video classes, but what many people don't know is the existence of apps to study for the Enem, even apps dedicated only to writing with possible topics and tips to do well.

Check out some of these apps below:

Geekie Games Enem

Geekie Games ENEM

★ Official Enem Hour App ★

Geekie Games is the only platform accredited by the MEC that helps millions of students prepare to pass the Enem. With Geekie Games, your path to university in 2016 is closer!

Learn how to study for the Enem: discover what you still don't know about the topics that will be covered in the test.

Receive a personalized study plan just for you, based on your course and study pace, and focusing on what you still need to improve. Compare your mock exam score with the cutoff grade for your target course for university.

Get access to new video lessons covering all the content of the Enem and other entrance exams, practice with exercises and solved questions, and take mock exams with a TRI score, comparable to the Enem score. All this content is already organized in a study plan made especially for you and your goal.

Geekie Games is also the official app for the Hora do Enem study platform, a project by the Ministry of Education – MEC in partnership with TV Escola and SESI. You can register and access all the benefits and simulations of the project through this app.

It has never been so simple to prepare for Enem:

• The only platform accredited by Inep and MEC

• Exclusive classes, developed by teachers with more than 20 years of experience;

• Thousands of new exercises;

• Coverage of the entire syllabus of Enem 2016 and the main entrance exams;

• Bank with more than 5,500 exercises that identify what you know and don't know;

• Enem simulations with new questions and TRI score, the same used by Enem;

• Simulations including questions from previous exams from Enem 2014, Enem 2013 and Enem 2012;

• Geekie© adaptive study methodology;

• For everyone! You don't need to be affiliated with any educational institution to use it.

• App also available for tablets;

• Platform available for computers;

• 3 years of experience with over 4 million students

Essay Score 1000 – ENEM 2017

Essay Grade 1000 Enem

O Redação Nota 1000 é um aplicativo gratuito que oferece conteúdo sobre redação para quem vai prestar o ENEM em 2017. No serviço, são explorados temas possíveis para o próximo concurso, além de visualização das últimas redações com notas boas, com opção de marcar as favoritas e também acessar seu manual de redação.

★ Favorite to read OFFLINE
★ Build on excellent writing
★ See ENEM themes
★ Possible ENEM 2017 topics
★ Tips for doing well in ENEM
★ Writing Manual

“Writing in any competition is always a cause for great concern. With the Redação Nota 1000 app, the user can get more important information for the test. It offers a section with probable topics for the next one, so that the candidate can read a lot about the topic and be able to write a text that meets the necessary criteria.” – TechTudo


Stoodi – Enem and entrance exam

Stody Enem

From your computer to the palm of your hand. Now you can watch all Stoodi classes directly from your cell phone and you can download and watch them even without internet access.
We are an online school that is here to make your student life easier and revolutionize the way you learn. You will find, in one place, all the content you need to study for the ENEM, college entrance exams or tutoring in a pleasant and efficient way, anytime and anywhere.

– Video classes on all subjects;
– Exercises with video resolution;
– Abstracts in PDF;
– Possibility of attending classes without being connected to the internet;
– Creating playlists that help organize your studies.

Carry Stoodi in your pocket and study anywhere!

> Get full access to Stoodi: There are more than 3500 video classes. Plans starting at R$29.90.
> More than 7500 exercises, Study Plan and Essay Correction on our web platform:


G1 Enem


The G1 Enem 2016 App brings you new features to help you prepare for the test! Now with riddle questions that are worth more points and new questions for you to study and have fun with the game at the same time. Challenge your friends and strangers or play alone and track your position in the general ranking, among your friends or in the course. Have fun, reinforce your studies and get ahead!

Download the G1 Enem app now and start the challenges!

. New: riddle questions worth more points. Stay tuned for notifications to participate!
· Play, train and explore the main topics that may be on the test.
· Test your knowledge with hundreds of questions.
· Exclusive videos provide tips on the most important topics.
· Have fun playing with your friends and strangers.

Discover the tools that will help you prepare for the Enem.
The questions are divided into the same categories used in the Enem exam. Explore by: Human Sciences, Natural Sciences, Languages and Codes and Mathematics.
Organize your study!

Inspired by the best simulations and past exams, experts have prepared exclusive questions.

Watch videos about the main topics covered in the Enem exam. The app will send you intelligent suggestions based on your mistakes and successes. You can also search for videos in our catalog.

Accumulate points and compare your position among those competing in the same course as you (e.g.: administration, law, medicine).

Follow the latest news about Enem and stay up to date with the main dates and events. Receive notifications to stay up to date without any effort.

Achieve the game's objectives and collect medals that indicate your progress and mark your achievements. Once you earn the first one, you'll want to collect them all!

They are worth more points and are essay-based: you have 2 minutes to try to get it right.

When a new riddle question is live, you will be notified. Please note that they expire and you may miss your chance to earn 2,000 points in one go.

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