How to make music video with Spectrum effect for status - Avee Player

image in the rhythm of spectrum music

You've probably seen music videos on some social network in which an image follows the rhythm and beat of the music through a spectrum. Surprisingly, it's something easy to do and there's an app that simplifies the whole process on Android.

The application is a player but has the function of being able to edit the spectrum to your liking and being able to save it to post wherever you want.

The video below shows how to use the application to make your videos:

Avee Player

How to Make Music Video with Spectrum Effect for Status - Avee Player 1

In essence, a lightweight music player that also has folder navigation, equalizer, music cross-fading and video playback capabilities.
Still, the most notable features are audio visualizer and easy HD video production.
While all visualizers are extensively customizable – color / shape / size / audio reaction / your own image and more tweaks.

You can also import and export viewer models as files and find several cooler versions than the default ones shared online.

Google Play

Now that you know how to make a video where the image beats to the rhythm of the music, just do it and be happy on social media!

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